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Early EducationResources

WOYC22 – It’s Music Monday!

Music Monday icon of hearts and notes

We’re starting our celebration of Week of the Young Child 2022 with Music Monday.

Children benefit from having music in their lives in so many ways. It can:

  • Improve brain power and memory functions
  • Strengthen social skills
  • Help build self-confidence
  • Inspire creativity

It’s easy to start sharing music with children. Bang on a pan, sing a silly song while going through your day, or relax introducing the next generation to some of your favorite sounds.

Not sure of how to make music part of your daily routine so kids can reap all of the amazing benefits? Try some of the ideas our Excellence in Care and Early Learning (ExCEL) team suggest:

Create a kid’s playlist on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music featuring artists like Dr. Jean, BenAnna Band, Mister B, or Shawn Brown. Might we suggest this list of Black artists making some of the most fun children’s music available today?

Teach children songs to add to their routines like brushing teeth or getting dressed for the day. We love this classic hand washing song produced by SC ETV, featuring SC musical treasure Danielle Howle:

Two words: Car Karaoke. Turn up the stereo and sing along. Don’t worry about the people having less fun than you who might stare while you’re stopped for a light.

family singing together in the car

Plan a family outing to a concert or a musical. Richland County has a ton of outdoor concerts, theaters, and community performances that are a great way to take your family’s musical experiences to the next level. The Columbia Mom blog is a good resource for families looking for things to do. Worried the kids might be too squirmy to make it through a one hour performance? Richland Library Storytimes always feature songs and finger plays – you can help your child build those audience member skills in a friendly environment where everyone gets it.

How do you share making and listening to music with children? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to show us!

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