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December Step Up to School Readiness Goal

DOMAIN: Cognitive Development

SUBDOMAIN: Construction of Knowledge: Thinking and Reasoning


Infants (Birth to 12 months):

  • Show awareness of others’ reactions to people, objects, and events.
  • Show awareness of another person’s intentions by establishing joint attention (look at an object, then at caregiver, and back at object).

Younger Toddlers (8 to 21 months):

  • Show awareness of others’ feelings about things by looking to see how they react

Older Toddlers (18 to 36 months)

  • Use words like “think,” “remember,” and “pretend.”
  • Talk about what they and other people want or like.

Younger Preschoolers (36 to 48 months)

  • Use language to identify pretend or fantasy situations (say, “Let’s pretend we’re going on a trip.” “That’s a pretend story.”).
  • Use words like “think” and “know” to talk about thoughts and beliefs.
  • Recognize that beliefs and desires can determine what people do (e.g., a person will look for a missing object based on where they think it is rather than where it actually is).
  • Remember and describe at the end of the day what they had done while at school.

Older Preschoolers (48 to 60+ months)

  • Use language to identify pretend or fantasy situations (say, “Let’s pretend we’re going on a trip.” “That’s a pretend story.”).
  • Express understanding that others may have different thoughts, beliefs, or feelings than their own (“I like ketchup and you don’t.”).
  • Use language to describe their thinking processes with adult support.
  • Work on a project over several days, solving problems and making their work more elaborate.

Click here for more on Step Up to School Readiness and the SC Early Learning Standards.