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Healthy StartResources

Summer: Staying Safe, Healthy, and Hydrated

Yay! Summer is here! As we move toward the hottest days of the year, we want YOU to be safe, healthy, and hydrated! Here are some things to keep in mind as you and your children have some summer fun:

Hydration Nation

Are you drinking enough water? Your body has to have it to work properly. Water makes up more than half of our body weight, yet very few of us are drinking enough of it on a daily basis. Here are some things to remember from our friends at

  • Your body gets water from drinking water, milk, fruits and vegetables.
  • There is not a “magic” amount of water that you and your child need to drink daily. A few tips though on WHEN to drink:
    • with meals
    • when thirsty
    • when it is warm outside
    • before, during and after exercising or playing

Fireworks – Best Left to the Professionals

Seems like a fireworks stand pops up on every corner this time of year, but before you plunk down your hard-earned cash for a paper sack of small explosives, please consider:

  • While sparklers are often thought of as “safe” please remember that they can reach temperatures above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit (eek!).
  • You should not overestimate your child’s ability to use good judgement.
  • Be responsible — set family boundaries. Only adults should light fireworks.

Instead of risking injury or property damage, families are encouraged to attend community fireworks displays run by professionals rather than using fireworks at home.

Bugging Out

Mosquitoes, chiggers, biting flies, and gnats are often unwelcome participants in our outdoor activities. Not only do they hurt and itch, but they can also carry harmful diseases. To help keep your little ones from getting bitten up, refrain from using scented soaps, perfumes or hair sprays on your child. The current guidelines (from the American Academy of Pediatrics) recommend for children older than two (2) months of age to use 10% to 30% DEET insect and mosquito repellent. DEET should not be used on children younger than 2 months of age.

Sun Smarts

Last, but certainly not least – USE SUNSCREEN! Sunscreen helps protect the skin from sunburn and should be used everyone!

  • For babies younger than six (6) months, use sunscreen on small areas of the body such as the face and backs of hands. (Babies under six (6) months should be kept out of direct sunlight.)
  • For babies older than six (6) months, apply to all areas of the body, being careful to avoid the eye area.
  • Apply sunscreen at least 15-30 minutes before going outdoor, reapplying every two hours or more often if you are sweating or swimming.

Have a wonderfully healthy, SAFE, and hydrated summer!

Thank you to Cari Moyer, Director of Early Head Start, for this information. It was originally presented in our monthly Early Head Start Parent Meetings. If you are a parent of a child under the age of three you may be able to enroll. Details