DOMAIN: Mathematical Thinking and Expression
SUBDOMAIN: Foundations for Algebraic Thinking
Infants (Birth to 12 months):
- Emerging
Younger Toddlers (8 to 21 months):
- Show awareness of different categories during play (put balls in a box and dolls in a bed; give one friend all the cars and another friend all of the trucks when playing in the block area).
- Can follow along and imitate patterns of sounds and movement (for example, repeating a chorus in a song or clapping a simple rhythm).
Older Toddlers (18 to 36 months)
- Sort familiar objects into categories (cars with cars, plates separated from cups; rectangle blocks on one shelf and square blocks on another).
- Can follow along and imitate patterns of sounds and movement (for example, repeating a chorus in a song or clapping a simple rhythm).
Younger Preschoolers (36 to 48 months)
- Sort familiar objects into categories (cars with cars, plates separated from cups; rectangle blocks on one shelf and square blocks on another).
- Identify familiar objects as the same or different.
- Recognize simple repeating patterns (AB type patterns) and attempt to repeat or extend them during play (repeat a movement pattern during a song, extend a line of blocks in alternating colors).
Older Preschoolers (48 to 60+ months)
- Sort a group of objects (0-10) using one attribute (color, size, shape, quantity) with increasing accuracy (sort blocks by shape and place like-shaped blocks on the shelf; sort beads by color or another attribute).
- Describe, duplicate, and extend simple repeating patterns (two-part patterns) using concrete objects (look at a pattern of beads and tell what bead comes next in the pattern).
- Show beginning abilities to create simple repeating patterns.
Click here for more on Step Up to School Readiness and the SC Early Learning Standards.