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Support Us

Help us get Richland County’s children ready to thrive in school!

Richland County First Steps to School Readiness is designated as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service. Like all nonprofits, we count on community support to help us achieve our mission.

How Can You Help?



When you donate to Richland First Steps you equip parents and caregivers with the tools they need to raise healthy, happy, and successful children.

We are a charitable organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. As such, your donation may be tax deductible. Talk to your financial advisor for more details.



Do you lead a business or community organization? We offer many sponsorship levels to meet your organizational goals. Get in touch to learn more about our sponsorship and partnership opportunities.

View Sponsorship Opportunities

Individual Sponsorship

Success Sponsor: $2,500+

Readiness Sponsor: $1,500-$2,499

Quality Sponsor: $750-$1,499

Connection Sponsor: $250-$749

Corporate Sponsorship

Success Partner: $5,000+

Readiness Partner: $2,500-$4,999

Quality Partner: $1,500-$2,499

Connection Partner: $500-$1,499

Connection Sponsors

Christopher and Becky Allen

Robin and Marcia Bacon

Lauren Brennan

William Jeter

David Lyon

Heather McCue

Emmett and Catherine Nolan

Rita Paul

Anne Sinclair

Jane B. White

Readiness Sponsor

Selina Stewart

Quality Sponsors

Sherry Whatley

Corporate Sponsors




One of the best ways you can help promote school readiness in our community is to advocate on behalf of quality care and education for children. We use our news page and social media accounts to share action alerts when legislation or budget debates are happening that affect early childhood services.

What to Ask For:

  • Quality child care to be included in state, regional, and national economic development plans
  • Investment in proven, research-based programs that empower families to be their children’s first and best teachers
  • Expanded funding for programs that help identify and address developmental delays that can cause children to arrive at school not ready for kindergarten


Are you interested in volunteering with us? Our volunteers assist with events and help out with projects at our office. Please contact for more information on current volunteer opportunities.